Questions & Answers for Book Hut LTD - Lusaka, Zambia
Here you will find questions & answers for Book Hut LTD. All questions are checked and confirmed by our administrator. Questions are answered by the company representative or ZambiaYP users.
Do you have text books for purchase and supply if you have how much is the one for certificate course?
I need a longman grade five home economics book. Do you have?
A soft copy
A soft copy
Do you have any romance books?
Do u have mk physical education 11 and 12.if yes where can get them
Do you have the old man and the medal?
Do you have Pure Physics textbooks from grade 10-12, and how much?
Do you have African history magazines in your stores in Zambia
How much are your A4 book 192 pages?
How much are the small books (hardcover and not hard cover)? How much is a box of pencils and big erasers? Box of wax cryons?
How much is the big clear sealotap and how many are they in a box
Do you have the following books in stock? Grades 8,9,10 & 12 English? Then the following novels: Quills of Desire,Mission to Kala. If yes kindly send me the price list.
Do u have ballers nursing dictionaries in stock
Where can I get books for commerce grade 10 to 12 revised syllabus?
Do you stock signature books
What sizes do you have for white boards and the prices?
Where is your shop located in Lusaka?