Disacare Wheelchair Centre - Lusaka, Zambia
Disacare Wheelchair Centre
2 Reviews
Disacare Wheelchair CentreWheel Chairs+260 21 1261712https://www.zambiayp.com/img/zm/s/_1618770515-15-disacare-wheelchair-centre.jpg
Disacare Wheelchair CentreWheel Chairs+260 21 1261712https://www.zambiayp.com/img/zm/s/_1618770515-15-disacare-wheelchair-centre.jpg
Disacare Wheelchairs are for special needs
Disacare Wheelchair Centre is a Zambian NGO run by persons living with disabilities. They have the understanding of special needs and build the wheelchairs accordingly. We are Project OSCAR C.S.S. Zambia, a purely community-based Organisation. One of our beneficiaries, a youth with severe disabilities, received a Disacare wheelchair and has proven to be very strong and reliable. Yes, the wheelchairs are not cheap, but they last longer than cheap ones and are safer. If you are in Lusaka, please go and visit the workshop in Libala. We will be amazed. We would appreciate if groups and businesses like Disacare Wheelchair Centre would get more support as they are doing a fantastic job in sometimes difficult circumstances.
Iam looking for a wheel chair for our disabled aunt
Disacare Wheelchair CentreWheel Chairs+260 21 1261712https://www.zambiayp.com/img/zm/s/_1618770515-15-disacare-wheelchair-centre.jpg
I'am a paraplegic living in the farms here in Lusaka. I have noticed that we luck expert advice on issues of what type of wheelchairs certain disabilities need and how to use them. they seem to be a general use of anything as long as it is a wheelchair. Also, prices of wheelchairs are unaffordable to many users including myself. Government should zero rate importation of wheelchairs tax free so that atleast we can have choices and the right chairs for particular injuries. The other thing i want to ask for is that we as paraplegics should come up with our own group or Association just like the blind people have. many Zambians just here about spinal injuries but do not know the difficulties and challenges that are faced by spinal injured persons. I try to talk about spinal injuries on my facebook page PARAPLEGIC ZAMBIA though not many have seen it. they are many this we can talk about paraplegics but for now i will end here. Thank you for reading my post. Nawa Mbangweta.
Questions & Answers
Hello from National Police Aid Charity, are you still in operation? We are sending donated items to Zambia again this year and I have a quantity of Orthotic equipment in stock as we sent you a few years ago. would you like to receive a selection in our next shipment? Regards Bob Osborn NPAC.
I am looking for a wheel chair for an orphan in Serenje. Do you have in stock and if so how much is it?
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