Fountain of Good Sport Community Foundation - Mpika, Zambia
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With Us
Company name
Fountain of Good Sport Community Foundation
P.O Box T144, Mpika, Zambia
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Working hours
- Monday: 7:30 am - 17:00 pm
- Tuesday: 7:30 am - 17:00 pm
- Wednesday: 7:30 am - 17:00 pm
- Thursday: 7:30 am - 17:00 pm
- Friday: 7:30 am - 17:00 pm
- Saturday: 8:00 am - 12:30 pm
- Sunday: closed
Company manager
CHAPMAN MSOWOYAEstablishment year
101-200Registration code
751E-mail address
Company description
Fountain of Good Sport Community Foundation (FOGS) is an infant Zambia-based NGO, founded in 2017 and working for the promotion of children’s rights and survival in the region
many children experience abuse every day from both strangers and people they trust, which threatens their survival, development and participation in society. It is in the recognition of these threats to children that Fountain of Good Sport Foundation has been formed.
The mission of the group is to work for the improvement of the plight of children, young people and women in Zambia through sport. The activities are not limited to sport but include information sharing, training, education and innovative early interventions – bridging the gap between theory, policy and practice.
This action has mobilised
This development was initiated by me and few teachers in the community and a number of volunteer coaches who share the vision.
The main objectives are:
1. To engage children and young adults in physical activities in order to keep them from behaviours such as drugs and alcohol abuse
2. To provide education about sports, HIV/AIDS and gender-based violence for both boys and girls in the community
3. To provide learning materials and courses to our members
4. To keep in contact with our donors to sustain the funding and expand the funding base
FOGS is open to anyone active or interested in sport.
many children experience abuse every day from both strangers and people they trust, which threatens their survival, development and participation in society. It is in the recognition of these threats to children that Fountain of Good Sport Foundation has been formed.
The mission of the group is to work for the improvement of the plight of children, young people and women in Zambia through sport. The activities are not limited to sport but include information sharing, training, education and innovative early interventions – bridging the gap between theory, policy and practice.
This action has mobilised
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the first ever community sports club as a tool intended to educate children and youths (boys and girls) in various sporting activities such as volleyball, handball, football, basketball, athletics, traditional games and indoor games so that they become self-empowered, confident and able to choose the career pathway of their choice with education and know their rights.This development was initiated by me and few teachers in the community and a number of volunteer coaches who share the vision.
The main objectives are:
1. To engage children and young adults in physical activities in order to keep them from behaviours such as drugs and alcohol abuse
2. To provide education about sports, HIV/AIDS and gender-based violence for both boys and girls in the community
3. To provide learning materials and courses to our members
4. To keep in contact with our donors to sustain the funding and expand the funding base
FOGS is open to anyone active or interested in sport.
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Products & Services 1
- playersSport talented boys and girls
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