GreenUpp - Livingstone, Zambia
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Livingstone, Zambia
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GreenUpp provides an innovative solution to the challenge of fluctuating climates by using Internet of Things technology (IoT) to collect data from the environment. This data is then processed, stored in a local database, and presented in an easily understood format with the help of intelligent algorithms to compare environmental changes overtime. Our platform enables users to replicate any climate and grow a variety of crops anywhere in the world with just a few clicks.
GreenUpp is an ideal response system for farmers who depend on the environment for productivity and are affected by the ever-changing climate. Our aim is to give farmers control over their environment using sustainable and affordable technology. Additionally, we have created an online platform to connect small or large
GreenUpp is an ideal response system for farmers who depend on the environment for productivity and are affected by the ever-changing climate. Our aim is to give farmers control over their environment using sustainable and affordable technology. Additionally, we have created an online platform to connect small or large
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scale farmers to local product consumers and input suppliers. This platform provides farmers with the opportunity to advertise their products online at low rates.Listed in categories
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