First National Bank, FNB Call Centre Zambia - Lusaka

2 Reviews
First National Bank, FNB Call Centre Zambia
  • Verified
Company name
First National Bank, FNB Call Centre Zambia
Thabo Mbeki Rd, Lusaka, Zambia
Mobile phone
General Branch Banking: Dial +260 211 366 800
+260 211 366 362
Website address
Working hours
  • Monday: 8:15 am - 4:00 pm
  • Tuesday: 8:15 am - 4:00 pm
  • Wednesday: 8:15 am - 4:00 pm
  • Thursday: 8:15 am - 4:00 pm
  • Friday: 8:15 am - 4:00 pm
  • Saturday: 9:00 am - 12:00 pm
  • Sunday: Closed
Establishment year
E-mail address
Company description
FNB Zambia is a subsidiary of FNB, division of FirstRand Bank Limited.

FirstRand Group History

FNB can trace its origins back to the Eastern Province Bank, which was formed in Grahamstown, South Africa in 1838. By 1874, the bank had four 4 branches - Grahamstown, Middelburg, Cradock and Queenstown.

Due to a recession, the bank was bought out in 1874 by the Oriental Bank Corporation (OBC). However, as a result of financial difficulties being experienced in India, the OBC decided to withdraw from South Africa. The Bank of Africa was subsequently formed in 1879 to take over OBC's business in South Africa.

FirstRand Group
In 1925 the National Bank merged with the Anglo-Egyptian Bank and the Colonial Bank to form Barclays Bank (Dominion, Colonial and Overseas). In 1971 Barclays  
Show more restructured its operation and its South African operation was renamed Barclays National Bank Limited.

Due to a disinvestment campaign against South Africa because of its apartheid policies, Barclays was forced to reduce its shareholding and sold its remaining shareholding in the bank in 1986. The bank was renamed "First National Bank of Southern Africa Limited" in 1987 and became a wholly South African owned and controlled entity.

FNB Zambia
Comprehensive services
Banking as a whole was changing fast and specialised financial services divisions sprung up within the bank. A massive investment was made into computers and new technology.

In 1998 the financial services interests (which included their shareholding in First National Bank) of Rand Merchant Bank Holdings and Anglo-American Corporation were merged to form FirstRand Limited, which is listed on the JSE Securities Exchange. Consequently, FNB became a wholly owned subsidiary of FirstRand Limited and currently trades as a division of the group. FNB also has subsidiaries in Swaziland, Botswana and Namibia which are all listed on their country's respective stock exchanges.

Today, with branches throughout South Africa as well as in Swaziland, Botswana, Namibia and Zambia, FNB continues to offer a wide range of banking products, including Online Banking, Forex, home loans and day-to-day banking and other financial products.

Location map
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General BusinessHealth and SafetyConsultantsInvestment CompaniesInsurance CompaniesFinancial ActivityInsurance ServicesConstructionRetirement
Fnb Acacia Park Address
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First National Bank Head Office
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First National Bank Fnb Industrial Branch Lusaka
First National Bank
Fnb Zambia Customer Care Line
Fnb Zambia Address
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Fnb Zambia Contact
fnb customer care line zambia
fnb zambia call centre
fnb contact details
fnb manda hill lusaka
first national bank lusaka
fnb contacts zambia
fnb contact details zambia
fnb customer care zambia
fnb call centre zambia


2 Reviews
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I really appreciated to be One of customer in fnb reason y I do enjoy fnb in online banking but the challenge is network which is not excepted by Airtel company so I wish Airtel team to improve network so that we stop suffering from it otherwise the bank is great...
The most pricy bank in town with no customer appreciation services. You gotta be strong.

Questions & Answers

I would like to become a FNB cash plus agent, what àre the requirements and what's the benefit? Regards, James Banda
What can I to refind the money l send to someone in other country.l want it back in my account
I have an account with your bank but each time someone sends me money from Australia, there is a bank charge of k328, i dont understand this charge, may you explain it nicely?
I wish to know how to access a credit card and what the terms and conditions of service are?
Why has my account closed have been using it and last month I got paid through only to find out that it has been closed, what could have happened without me been notified?
How can I become FNB agent?
How should a recommendation letter be written for bank account opening?
What are the requirements for me to become a Cash plus agent h here in Lusaka
What are the requirements for opening a company account?
How can I become an FNB agent here in Mansa,Luapula province?
View all 17 questions

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